
Jun 22, 2014

PM Eskolta Samuel Xanana Protetor Korruptor - Tempo Semanal

PM Eskolta Samuel Xanana Protetor Korruptor - Tempo Semanal

Dili, Tempo Semanal - Iha loron segunda feira (16/06/2014) mais ou menus tuku 10.00 dadersan Primeiru Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao sai husi Palasiu do Governu, sa’e kareta seguranca Sec 2 hodi akompania diretor ADN, Samuel marcal ne’ebe sa’e kareta seguransa PM ninian ho numeru matrikula sec 1 hakat liu kna’ar fatin Prokurador Jeral da Republika, jose da Costa Ximenes iha kolmera dili.
Enkontru ne’ebe ninia durasaun liu oras ida ne’e ninia rezultadu hamosu kestaun iha publiku ninia kakutak maibe afinal diretor ADN Samuel Marcal agora hetan ona TIR ona.
Hatan ba perguntas husi jornalista iha palasiu presidenti Aitarak laran, iha loron kuarta Feira (18/06/2014), PM xanana ho diplomatikamente nega katak ninia parte la halo intervensaun ba servisu prokurador jeral da Republika maibe ninia objetivu sa’e kareta seguranca ninian ba hamutuk ho diretor AND nee hodi ba hateten ba PGR atu ba singapora.
“aaahh la’e, ha’u ba atu dehan ba nia sebele karik ba singapora ne’eba atu halo bu’at ruma,” dehan PM Xanana.
iha momentu ke'e hanesan PM Xanana uza oportunidade refere hodi halo ataka hasoru KAK no dehan nia stress tan ba tribunal hasai ona Termu de Identidade Residensia (TIR) ba diretor AND, Samuel Marcal.
“Ida ne’e maka ha’u stress. Ha’u stress tan ba ida ne’e, tanto tribunal, como KAK, tantu Prokuradoria, ha’u rspeita sira nia esforsu I ha’u hakru’uk rei sira nia ain hotu dala ida de’it mas kuandu ita la iha metodolojia atu hanoin ba saida maka ita halo ne’e susar,” dehan Xanana ho oin triste no matawen nakonu.
PM Xanana dehan ninia parte konsege ona, “poupa US$140 miloens ba estadu mas dehan fali ami nauk estadu I halo tiha TIR ba Samuel.”
“ha’u rona ema sira dehan katak atu kaer ami hotu, ha’u dehan la’e, ha’u preparadu atu ba tribunal, ha’u dehan beibeik ona no ha’u hakerek ona karta rua ka tolu tan, ba iha KAK katak ha’u preparadu ba iha tribunal tan ba sira dehan ha’u atu ba hatan iha ne’eba maibe dehan segredu justica,” dehan Xanana.
“Segredu justica kuandu dehan ha’u nauk osan estadu ne’e maka dehan segredu justica. Ba husu fali ha’u dehan osan iha ne’ebe? Ou planu iha ga la’e? ha’u dehan sa mak ne’e?,” PM Xanana lamenta.
Ironia tebes ulun bo’ot governu ne’e kestiona karik KAK iha provas ruma relasiona ho konstrusaun ponte Komoro II ne’ebe halo husi kompania WIKA hamutuk ho CNT hasoru nia. Nune’e PM Xanana rejeita atu ba presta deklarasaun no sadik KAK ninia barani atu lori PM ne’e ba tribunal.
“Se o iha prova dehan katak kompania wika ka kompania se maka foo osan mai ha’u tan ba ha’u fo ida ne’e, sim ba hatan. Ne’ebe ha’u la hatan. Ha’u la hatan I ha’u hakarek ba KAK dehan se hakarak ba tribunal. Ha’u hakarak hasoru iha Tribunal, ko’alia para povu tomak rona, imi husu saida,” PM Xanana sadik.
Xanana esplika dehan, “husu fali ba ha’u tan ba sa maka fob a WIKA? Tan ba sa maka o halo ida ne’e? Ha’u fo hotu. Ha’u lori dokumentus bo’ot ida (ba KAK). Ami deskute ona kestoeins teknikas para atu fo. Derepenti bolu fali ha’u dehan ha’u nauk. Ha’u poupa osan estadu nian dehan fali ha’u nauk, la’e, lalika halimar ho ha’u.”

Jun 16, 2014

Australia to fly cattle to Timor-Leste for the first time

*Independente, June 16, 2014

Photo: Ilustration

Two consignments of breeder cattle from the Northern territory will be flown to Timor-Leste in the coming weeks, as part of a landmark deal to boost that nation’s herd size and improve genetics.

It’ll be the first time Australia has flown cattle to that country and is the latest in a number of agricultural partnerships between Timor-Leste and the Northern Territory.

Ben Hindle, from the Northern Territory Livestock Exporters’

Association, says it is a small but significant new market for the north’s cattle industry.

“The numbers will be in the hundreds. It won’t be anything completely massive, but it is another nice emerging market to put to the books and it’ll help them build their national herd size and become a little bit more sel-sufficient,” he said.

Jun 15, 2014

All Timorese support Govt to set up municipal assembly: IRI

Televizaun Timor-Leste, June 16, 2014 language source: Tetun
IRI polling outcome

International Republican Institute (IR) has launched its reporting findings which said that the majority of the Timorese people are in favor of the Government’s plans of setting up municipal assembly throughout the country.

IRI representative said the report findings would be handed over to the Government to take it into a consideration as it was about things which the Government focused on.

The research was mostly focused on the governance, development, and the people’s participation in politics and access of information.