
Oct 8, 2013

Timor Plaza to transform 'Dolok Oan' landscape to be like Bali

Dolok Oan - Cristo Rei. Photo:

Renova Timor - Timor Plaza Group. (TP Grp.) is reported to have been granted the license to develop 'dolok oan', the white beach area behind the statue of Cristo Rei, to be a modern tourist spot like Bali. According to, the Jape family, who also owns Timor Plaza - the shopping and recreational complex at the center of Dili - is ready to invest US$30-50 million to the area and is ready to be inaugurated in three years time. TP Grp. is already granted the license from the land and property office as well as license from environmental office to kick off the project. 

If ever the project is pushed through, TPGrp. is the first Timorese family who is serious and believe in the economic development of the country. The family is the first Timorese who have invested about US$27 million in the construction of Timor Plaza and is continuously building the country's private sector development around its complex. It is an initiative that other private sectors should follow, rather than focusing solely on government projects as Consorcio Nacional Timorense (CNT) does. 

The country's strategic development plan (PEDN) outlines private sector as the key to future sustainable economic growth. Probably, the Jape family is just doing that. 

Timor Plaza Sei Fila Panorama Dolok Oan Sai Bali

TIMOROMAN,DILI – Manager Kompanha Timor Plaza, Quintiliano Moniz Carvalho, informa atu halo panorama Dolok Oan, (area nebe partense iha Estatua Kristu Rei nia sorin hateke husi Dili), sai hanesan Bali, Indonezia iha tempu tinan 3 nia laran. Estadu no Governu bele ona inagura fatin nee Turista nee tuir tempu neebe termina, nee tanki mai husi servisu hamutuk ema hotu nian, no kompania prontu atu investe 30 – 50 Miloens.
“Nebe ami promete ba orgaun sira tomak, povu sira tomak katak,  tinan tolu tan ita sei ba tesi fita iha Dolok Oan no timor sei iha tan buat foun ida. Avo Jape nee iha hanoin diak tebes mesmu nia katuas ona, nia sempre hateten la kleur tan hau mate, maibe nia (Jape) hakarak nia osan nee tenki rai iha nee hodi Dezemvolve ba nasaun ida nee. dehan Quintiliano, ba liu husi entrevista ho, iha Timor Plaza rasik.
Nia akresenta prosesu tratamentu ba fatin konstrusaun erejolvidu, ila iha problema tanba iha ona lisensa Ambiental husi Meiu Ambiente, Ministeriu Justisa, hetan ona rekonhesementu husi Rede ba Rai, inklui komunidade rasik nebe ho laran haksolok fo fatin nee, maski antes nee iha kritikas husi parte balun.
“Horbain hirak Rede ba Rai rasik sira protesta ami loke fatin turismu nee. Maibe ami rekonhese katak nee ami nia failansus, iha buat ruma nebe maka ami la dun hatene. Ami so hanoin deit katak Terra proridade fo ona mak nee ona, maibe too ikus prsija mos arpvasaun husi parte balun, Ejemplu hanesan Meiu Ambiente no diresaun sira nebe trata asuntu kona ba rai nian, maibe kritikas sira nee ami simu para hadia ami nia aan, tanba se lae, sala mos ami ba deit, hatutan Manager nee.
Maibe, ami rekonhese nafatin sira  ami haruka karta ba husu sira nia autorijasaun, ho sira nia koperasaun. Ba ami nia parte maka nee, ami prontu atu simu kritika hotu nebe iha, ho kritika nee maka hodi hadia ami nia aan wainhira ami sala, se ami ema la kritika no protesta,  sala mos ami ba deit tanba la iha ema ida hase ami. Tanba nee maka ami la iha problema ho kritika sira nee ami simu ho liman rua. maibe, importante ba ami maka nee, ami hanoin atu desemvolve nasaun ida nee ba oin, e atu realiza nia promesa sira nebe maka promete ona ba estadu Timor Leste, dehan Manager.
Nia hatutan mos, rai nee alende halo arendamentu ho Estadu, maibe iha rai privadu rasik nebe sosa iha komunidade sira ho luan 80.000 kuadradus, sei investe osan husi 30 – 50 Milioens de Dolares amerikanu, no promete sei konvida Governu Estadu, no povu Timor Leste tomak atu ba koa fita/resmi iha tinan tolu mai tan. (pol) 

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